Thursday, 11 February 2010

RIP Alexander McQueen

"There's beauty in anger, and anger for me is passion"
Alexander McQueen 

The View From Outside.

It's been a long time, I know. Let's just say I've been otherwise occupied. No sign of anything that could be classified as a proper job yet, but some progress has been made, and I've been getting involved in a few projects - some of which could eventually bear fruit. To be seen.

The little time I have spent online has been catching up with the goings on of my native island - including, yes - THAT blog.  WTF guys? I thought that things had hit rock bottom with that whole Ir-Realta saga. Talk about tip of the iceberg!! I mean, seriously.

I don't know what it's really like living on the island and the moment, because I've not done so for some time now. But believe me, the view from outside ain't pretty. Never have I wanted to move back home less than I do now.

Perhaps rather than squabble about which political holiday is to be declared National Day, the Maltese should face the cruel facts, and agree that the most suited is perhaps the coming Carnival weekend, and - while they're at - they should really consider John Bundy's Pajjiz tal-Mickey Mouse as the new national anthem!