Wednesday, 14 October 2009

SHOCK HORROR: Liberal Students found on University of Malta campus!!

(apologies for the dreadful picture)

OMG! It´s unbeleivable. According to a piece in yesterday´s (Malta) Times, a survey carried out by the new progressive student movement MOVE, students at the Univeristy of Malta - those poor innocent lambs who had - shock horror - condoms!!, forced upon them by those evil marketing men at Vodafone during fresher week - are actually, surprise, surprise, not as ignorant and narrow minded as everyone thought they were. In fact, - among other results which will be launched today on campus - 49 % actually agree with the idea of gay marriage (39% are against, 16% undecided).

In another survey carried out by the university´s chaplaincy, (and here I´m quoting The Times) "the overwhelming majority" of students disagreed with the church´s teachings on divorce, contraception and, ooh the thought of it, pre-marital sex! Like, DUH!!!! What did you expect? I´d be very worried if they agreed.

What I can´t stomach is how commentators on the Times website refuse to accept the truth and are now arguing against the methodology used by MOVE to come up with the figures, whilst one commentator is going on about the fact that crosses (crucifixes, I imagine, he means) have been removed from lecture rooms. I mean, people, get your asses over to the nearest supermarket and buy yourselves a life, for Chrissakes!! It´s 2009!!

I´ll be looking out for the rest of the results


14.51 More news just in

1 comment:

  1. Mona: http://www.planetmona.com15 October 2009 at 19:09

    The life these people would be buying would be from Lidl.

    I'm more shocked at the almost 40% who are 'against' gay marriage. I mean, x'jidhlilhom u johorgilhom?
