Monday 12 October 2009

I heart heart heart Jodienda Warrick

Ever since the link to the first video landed in my inbox, I´ve been addicted to the phenomenon that is Jodienda Warrick.

Written and directed by Fernando Gamero, this series of shorts features Jodienda, a spy  whose mission is to ensure that the Queen of Pop keeps her title - and as it turns out - her life. It´s completely hilarious, the kind of  campfest that only the Spanish can come up with.

Here are links to all the videos on youtube ... luckily, the trailers come with subtitles. Unfortunately for those who don´t speak Spanish, the Madonna "interview" isn´t subtitled:

"Trailer" 1:
"Trailer" 2:
"Madonna" interview promoting "Jodienda Warrick (Look out for the Lidl bag):

If you´re on Facebook, you can follow Jodienda by becoming a fan.

More of this, please!

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